我在我的 laravel 4 应用程序(http://docs.cartalyst.com/sentry-2/)中使用了 Sentry2 包。
我创建了一个扩展 Sentry2 用户模型的新用户模型:
<?php namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
class User extends \Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\Eloquent\User implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
* The database table used by the model.
* @var string
protected $table = 'users';
* The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
* @var array
protected $hidden = array('password');
* Get the unique identifier for the user.
* @return mixed
public function getAuthIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
* Get the password for the user.
* @return string
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->password;
* Get the e-mail address where password reminders are sent.
* @return string
public function getReminderEmail()
return $this->email;
$adminUser = User::create(array(
'email' => 'admin@admin.com',
'password' => "admin",
'first_name' => 'Admin',
'last_name' => 'Admin',
'activated' => 1,
A hasher has not been provided for the user.