I have references to

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting;

But I'm building on a server without Visual Studio installed.

My builds are failing because these dlls can't be found (their path is in the VS install directory on my local machine)

Does this mean VS is required to run these on the build server? Or can I just copy the dlls into some project folder and add them as references?


1 回答 1


推荐的方法是在构建服务器上安装 VS,并且许可是您能够做到的。团队知道这不是一个理想的解决方案,但它是我们今天唯一的解决方案。请注意,Microsoft 在托管环境 ( tfs.visualstudio.com ) 中提供的构建服务器映像中安装了 VS2012 和 VS2010 正是出于这种原因。

于 2013-05-21T08:34:12.730 回答