I have created game in AndEngine in which i used basically 2 things. Autoparallax background and animated sprites .
I am moving the background and animated sprites in -X direction .So I used " "mPhysicshandler.velocityX(minus)".Now the game is perfect .
But after playing sometimes the screen hangs maximum times. I test the game in samsung and also motorolla phones. i think the problem is animated sprites. As the backgroung is moving toward -X with 30 speed, i have to move all animated sprites towards -X with double of background speed . Otherwise the move of animated sprites are not showing clearly.
So now I want to fix the problem by attaching animated sprites with the parallax background. So i don't need to use velocities for each animated sprites.
But after attaching the sprites are moving with the background clearly but not animated.
I check something here ,but it didn't help me in my problem.
Please help . Any type of suggestions are appreciated .
Thank you