I'm working on a cellular automaton where changes happen in every rounds. Obviously, I made a loop for it - basically it works, fortunately, but if I want to add another type of cells to the map, the whole thing doesn't work! I mean, one type of cells works, but the other doesn't do anything: The game begins and e.g. in this example, the Conway-automaton starts growing, but the red test-cells are just staying without any changes.
These are the two functions (with predefined things):
#define fldwidth 110
#define fldheight 140
//struktúra, aztán a sejtek definíciója
typedef struct tiles
unsigned char red, green, blue;
const tiles TEST_ALIVE = {255,0,0};
const tiles TEST_DEAD = {50,0,0};
const tiles CONWAY_ALIVE = {0,255,0};
const tiles CONWAY_DEAD = {0,50,0};
//Maes módszere a struktúrák egyenlőségének vizsgálatára
bool equality(tiles* a, const tiles* b)
if (a->red == b->red && a->green == b->green && a->blue == b->blue)
return true;
} else {
return false;
//sejttípus 1.: tesztsejt: minden magányos vagy túlbuzgó sejt meghal
void Test(tiles arra[fldwidth][fldheight], tiles arrb[fldwidth][fldheight])
int a,b,i,j,counter;
for (j=1;j<fldheight-1;j++)
for (i=1;i<fldwidth-1;i++)
if (equality(&arra[i][j], &TEST_ALIVE) == true)
counter = -1;
} else {
counter = 0;
for (b=j-1;b<=j+1;b++)
for (a=i-1;a<=i+1;a++)
if (equality(&arra[a][b], &TEST_ALIVE) == true)
arrb[i][j] = arra[i][j];
//itt a sejtek szabályai jönnek; mindig a születést tesszük előre, utána a halált!
if (equality(&arra[i][j], &TEST_ALIVE) == false && counter >= 2)
arrb[i][j] = TEST_ALIVE;
if (equality(&arra[i][j], &TEST_ALIVE) == true && (counter == 0 || counter > 6))
arrb[i][j] = TEST_DEAD;
//sejttípus 2.: Conway életjátéka
void Conway(tiles arra[fldwidth][fldheight], tiles arrb[fldwidth][fldheight])
int a,b,i,j,counter;
for (j=1;j<fldheight-1;j++)
for (i=1;i<fldwidth-1;i++)
if (equality(&arra[i][j], &CONWAY_ALIVE) == true)
counter = -1;
} else {
counter = 0;
for (b=j-1;b<=j+1;b++)
for (a=i-1;a<=i+1;a++)
if (equality(&arra[a][b], &CONWAY_ALIVE) == true)
arrb[i][j] = arra[i][j];
//itt a sejtek szabályai jönnek; mindig a születést tesszük előre, utána a halált!
if (equality(&arra[i][j], &CONWAY_ALIVE) == false && counter == 3)
arrb[i][j] = CONWAY_ALIVE;
if (equality(&arra[i][j], &CONWAY_ALIVE) == true && (counter != 2 && counter != 3))
arrb[i][j] = CONWAY_DEAD;
and this is the loop itself:
al_wait_for_event_timed(event_queue,&asd,0.001); //várakozás
if(asd.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
if(asd.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER)
end = false;
for (j = 0; j < fldheight; j++)
for (i = 0; i < fldwidth; i++)
fielda[i][j] = fieldb[i][j];
for (j = 0; j < fldheight; j++)
for (i = 0; i < fldwidth; i++)
al_draw_filled_rectangle(20 + (4*i), 20 + (4*j), 24 + (4*i), 24 + (4*j), al_map_rgb(fielda[i][j].red, fielda[i][j].green, fielda[i][j].blue));
Can you tell me what is wrong with it? Or maybe the problem is not in the loop?