I am developing a big project on Orchard CMS. I decided to create simple promo site (without my modules) based on Orchard while developing the project. I've successfully deployed Orchard into Azure, installed necessary modules and created all pages. Site has been working fine for a few weeks. And then the problems started.

Someday I saw that CPU's quota is exceeded. Log file was clear. There wasn't any requests to the site, except search bots. All my attempts to find a reason have failed. After that I disable a couple of modules: Cache - 1.3 and Combinator.

After few days I got a new problem. I don't know why, but Orchard tried to recompile some module and could not to save them to FS Storage (storage was busy or something like that). This problem was easily solved.

And now there is another problem. Each request to the site is taking about 30 seconds to display. In azure dashboard I see, that there are some background process in Orchard, which spends about 50% CPU's quota. Log file is clear. There is not any additional modules, except Vandelay Industries and Advanced Sitemap. And I don't know how detect what is wrong. I tried to set log level ALL. After 5 minutes there was 10mb log file with NHibirnate records.

How can I solve that problem? It is normal to Orchard always to change somethings (eg. rebuild modules)?


1 回答 1


好吧,我上周五刚遇到这个问题。我的解决方案是将我的 Orchard 站点部署到 Amazon EC2 并收工。

我使用的是 azure 网站,而不是网络角色。网站目前处于“预览”阶段。所以,我想我不能指望这会奏效。注意:我确实尝试过使用保留的小实例“支持”我的网站。这根本没有导致任何性能提升。

因此,我向 Microsoft 支持人员开了一张票,说它在本地运行得非常快,他们回应说这是 Orchard 的配置问题!因此,那时我创建了 EC2 实例并提供了 Microsoft 支持我的 EC2 实例的 URL,并询问他们为什么 EC2 上的相同配置运行得如此之快!

我计划尝试部署到一个 azure web 角色而不是网站,但目前我只是对 Microsoft 的答案不抱幻想,当然还有其他任务要完成.. 我希望有时间给一个 web角色在几天内出手。

RANT:在我安装 .NET Framework 之前,EC2 免费实例的磁盘空间就用完了!!!因此,似乎无法在 Amazon 上免费运行 ASP.NET 网站。至少在没有真正有创意的情况下不能运行。Server 2012 32 GB 所需的最小磁盘空间: http ://technet.microsoft.com/ en-us/library/jj134246.aspx,而 EC2 实例只有 30GB ..

于 2013-06-04T03:36:20.817 回答