
<td align="left"><a href="update.php?id='.$od_id.'">' ."Complete" . '</td></tr>';



还有一件事,我正在使用隐藏类型但不工作。此外,如何使用 php 标签中的 html 将值从一页发布到另一页。

$res = mysql_query($sql);

echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="75%" border="1">
     <td align="left"><b>Order Details Number</b></td>
     <td align="left"><b>Menu Id</b></td>
     <td align="left"><b>SubMenu Id</b></td>
     <td align="left"><b>Quantity</b></td>
     <td align="left"><b>Note</b></td>
     <td align="left"><b>Note Master</b></td>
     <td align="left"><b>Status</b></td>
     </tr> ';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))

         $od_id = $row['od_id'];

        echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bg . '">
     <td align="left">' .$row['od_id'] .'</a></td>
     <td align="left">' . $row['menu_id'] . '</td>
     <td align="left">' . $row['submenu_id'] . '</td>
     <td align="left">' .$row['quantity'] . '</td>
     <td align="left">' .$row['note'] . '</td>
     <td align="left">' .$row['note_master'] . '</td>
     <td align="left"><a href="update.php?id='.$od_id.'">' ."Complete" . '</td>

 echo '</table>';

2 回答 2


You have placed the closing "a" tag in the wrong place. If you look at the while loop, the first "td" line has a closing "a" tag. That tag looks like it should be on the line of the last "td" where you have an opening "a" tag without a closing tag. You also do not seem to have any need to be concatenating the word "Complete". It looks like it should just be a part of the echoed string.

Also, from what I can see, you can clean up your code by removing the unnecessary concatenations. Any variable in PHP that is placed within a double quote does not need to be concatenated. You can simply use, for example:

echo "<td align='left'>$row[quantity]</td>";

If you are using a decent IDE then it will show up in a color coded fashion which is useful for readability.

于 2013-05-20T11:45:32.710 回答
  1. 不要使用已弃用的 mysql_* 函数。
  2. 是的,可以通过 html 使用<form action="yoururl.html" method="POST"></form>
  3. 如果你想从 PHP POST值到另一个站点,你应该使用CURL http://coderscult.com/how-to-post-data-with-curl-in-php/
  4. 但如果它在您的网站内,只需使用$_SESSION
  5. 如果你想使用$_GET而不是 post on update.php 使用应该使用代码$id = (int)$_GET['id'];GET获取变量
  6. 如果您在 php 生成的页面上有要提交的表单,您可以使用<input type="hidden" />将变量发送到其他页面。
  7. 如果要在链接中隐藏od_id,可以使用mcrypt()对其进行加密
  8. 您使用while()循环的方式与使用for()循环的方式相同。for($i=0; $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); ++$i)完全一样。


   <td align="left"><a href="update.php?id='.$od_id.'">' ."Complete" . '</td>

  <td align="left"><a href="update.php?id='.$row['od_id'].'">' ."Complete" . '</td>

并删除$od_id = $row['od_id'];它看起来不需要分配新变量。你是否?

于 2013-05-20T10:42:24.047 回答