

    public static class Desert
        public const int iChance = 15;
        public static int chance = iChance;
        public static int chancepoint = 0;
        public const int octaves = 4;
        public const int lengthMin = 60;
        public const int lengthMax = 90;
        public const float scaleMin = 250;
        public const float scaleMax = 350;
        public const float persistenceMin = 0.5f;
        public const float persistenceMax = 0.9f;
        public const pType ptype = pType.Lowland;
        public const bTag[] tags = { bTag.desert };
    public static class Meadow
        public const int iChance = 45;
        public static int chance = iChance;
        public static int chancepoint = 0;
        public const int octaves = 4;
        public const int lengthMin = 45;
        public const int lengthMax = 70;
        public const float scaleMin = 200;
        public const float scaleMax = 470;
        public const float persistenceMin = 0.35f;
        public const float persistenceMax = 0.70f;
        public const pType ptype = pType.noAbs;
        public const bTag[] tags = { bTag.lush };


我目前大约有 7 个,除了每个字段的值之外,它们都完全相同。



public static class Desert
        iChance = 15;
        chance = iChance;
        chancepoint = 0;
        octaves = 4;
        lengthMin = 60;
        lengthMax = 90;
        scaleMin = 250;
        scaleMax = 350;
        persistenceMin = 0.5f;
        persistenceMax = 0.9f;
        ptype = pType.Lowland;
        strongTags = { bTag.desert };





9 回答 9



public class Biome {
    // Instance fields with default values
    public int iChance = 15;
    public int chance = iChance;
    public int chancepoint = 0;
    public int octaves = 4;
    public int lengthMin = 60;
    public int lengthMax = 90;
    public float scaleMin = 250;
    public float scaleMax = 350;
    public float persistenceMin = 0.5f;
    public float persistenceMax = 0.9f;
    public pType ptype = pType.Lowland;
    public bTag[] tags = { bTag.desert };


public Biome(int iChance, int chance, int chancepoint, int octaves, public int lengthMin, int lengthMax, float scaleMin, float scaleMax, float persistenceMin, float persistenceMax,pType ptype, bTag[] tags) {
    // init fields here


Biome bimoe = new Biome(15, iChance, 0, 4, 60, 90, 250, 350, 0.5f, 0.9f, pType.Lowland, { bTag.desert });



public Chance { get { return chance; } }


private int chance = iChance;


于 2013-05-20T08:19:04.970 回答


public const int iChance = 15, octaves = 4, lengthMin = 60, lengthMax = 90;
public const float scaleMin = 250, scaleMax = 350, persistenceMin = 0.5f,
                   persistenceMax = 0.9f;
public static int chance = iChance, chancepoint = 0;


public class Terrain {
   public int Chance {get;private set;}
   public int LengthMin {get;private set;}
   // ...
   private Terrain(int chance, int lengthMin, ...) {
       Chance = chance;
       LengthMin = lengthMin;
       // ...
   private static readonly Terrain
       desert = new Terrain(45, 45, ...),
       meadow = new Terrain(15, 60, ...),
   public static Terrain Desert { get { return desert;}}
   public static Terrain Meadow { get { return meadow;}}
于 2013-05-20T08:22:26.973 回答


于 2013-05-20T08:28:54.297 回答

最好只使用一个没有继承甚至结构的类。Desert、Meadow 等在逻辑上不是类,它必须是对象(可能是常量)。

于 2013-05-20T08:19:50.270 回答

您可以做的是使用一个名为 Terrain 的类,并使用静态构造函数多次初始化:

   public class Terrain
            public int IChance { get; private set; }
    public int Chancepoint { get; private set; }
    public int Octaves { get; private set; }
    public int LengthMin { get; private set; }
    public int LengthMax { get; private set; }
    public float ScaleMin { get; private set; }
    public float ScaleMax { get; private set; }
    public float PersistenceMin { get; private set; }
    public float PersistenceMax { get; private set; }
    public pType Ptype { get; private set; }
    public bTag[] Tags { get; private set; }

        public static Terrain Desert()
            return new Terrain
                    IChance = 15,
                    Chancepoint = 0,
                    Octaves = 4,
                    LengthMin = 60,
                    LengthMax = 90,
                    ScaleMin = 250,
                    ScaleMax = 350,
                    PersistenceMin = 0.5f,
                    PersistenceMax = 0.9f,
                    Ptype = pType.Lowland,
                    Tags = new bTag[] {bTag.Desert}
于 2013-05-20T08:26:01.027 回答

joe 的回答很好,但是构造函数调用有太多未命名的参数 - 350 是什么意思?


与其在代码中定义所有 Biome 类型,不如将 Biome 类型的所有数据放入一个文件并在运行时读取该文件。C# 语言有很多东西可以帮助你做到这一点,要搜索的关键词是序列化(这里是 MSDN 的链接)。



于 2013-05-20T08:26:34.883 回答


    public abstract class Terrain
        public int iChance;
        public int chance;
        public int chancepoint;
        public int octaves;
        public int lengthMin;
        public int lengthMax;
        public float scaleMin;
        public float scaleMax;
        public float persistenceMin;
        public float persistenceMax;
        public pType ptype;
        public Tag[] strongTags;

    public class Desert : Terrain


    public enum pType
        Desert = 1,
        LowLand = 2

    public enum Tag
        desert = 1,
        lush = 2


var desert = new Desert()
                iChance = 15
                ,chance = 15
                ,chancepoint = 0
                ,octaves = 4
                ,lengthMin = 60
                ,lengthMax = 90
                ,scaleMin = 250
                ,scaleMax = 350
                ,persistenceMin = 0.5f
                ,persistenceMax = 0.9f 
                ,ptype = pType.Desert
                ,strongTags = new Tag[]{Tag.desert}
于 2013-05-20T08:29:48.557 回答


public abstract class BiomeBase
    public int Chance      { get; set; }
    public int Chancepoint { get; set; }
    public int Octaves     { get; set; }
    // you get the idea ...


public class Desert : BiomeBase
    // everything is inherited ...
    // you can also add your own properties meant for Desert only (if needed)

public class Meadow : BiomeBase
    // everything is inherited ...


var desert = new Desert
    Chance = 5,
    Octaves = 1, 
    /// etc
于 2013-05-20T08:30:20.093 回答


其次,如果您想扩展对象,您将使用继承。例如,如果您想将新属性“bool HasScorpions”添加到沙漠而不是草甸。


public interface Terrain
    int iChance = {get { return 15; private set; } ..and repeat.
    int chance = iChance;
    int chancepoint = 0;
    int octaves = 4;
    int lengthMin = 60;
    int lengthMax = 90;
    float scaleMin = 250;
    float scaleMax = 350;
    float persistenceMin = 0.5f;
    float persistenceMax = 0.9f;
    pType ptype = pType.Lowland;
    bTag[] tags = { bTag.desert };
于 2013-05-20T08:21:40.823 回答