Basically I have 3 pages.
Attempt page
Redirect page
When the user clicks on Attempt button, he is forwarded to Redirect page which opens a popup window for him using,'Foo.jsp', 'mywindow', 'status=1,toolbar=0');
Then i redirect him to Attempt page again on the original window. I used,
to remove Redirect Page history. But now when the user clicks back button of browser, again Attempt.jsp opens. I want him to navigate to Homepage when he clicks on BACK button of browser. How do i achieve this?
HOMEPAGE -> ATTEMPT -> REDIRECT(Opens Popup and then redirects to Attempt) -> ATTEMPT(User is here now)
Now when user clicks Browser BACK button, he should go back to HOMEPAGE. If i can replace url of ATTEMPT PAGE when the user first arrives, then maybe i can achieve this.