不幸的是,我是 beautifulsoup 和 urllib 的新手,所以我什至可能无法正确询问我需要什么。有一个网站 www.example.com 我需要从该网站中提取一些数据,该网站显示一条随机消息。


在搜索stackoverflow之后,我意识到可能没有办法通过使用我的浏览器调用这样的url来更改变量.. www.example.com/?showRandomMsg='true'

在某些线程中,我读到也许我可以用 bookmarlets 做到这一点。

无论如何使用带有 beautifulsoup 或 urllib 的书签来访问该网站并使其显示随机消息?



1 回答 1


I came back after a long time just to answer quickly my own question..

I found many solutions and tutorials on the web and most of them were suggesting using Selenium and xpath but this method was more complex than I needed..

So I ended up using Selenium ONLY for emulating the Browser (firefox in my case) and grabbing the html after the page was loaded completely.

After that I was still using beautifoulsoup to parse the html code (whihc now would include the javascript data too).

于 2014-05-31T21:33:31.857 回答