我有一个包含 ProjectSlides 嵌套集合的项目模型。项目幻灯片是我想要(迭代)显示的特定于被点击的特定项目的图像。
showProjectList: (projects) ->
projectListView = @getProjectListView projects
Demo.AboutApp.Show.on "project-name:link:clicked", (project) =>
console.log project
@showProject project # passes project model that was clicked on from another view
@projectsLayout.projectListRegion.show projectListView
showProject: (project) ->
console.log project
console.log project.get('project_slides')
newProjectView = @getProjectDetailsView project
@projectsLayout.projectDetailsRegion.show newProjectView
console.log slides
# When I click on another project name, how can I check to see if the array exists?
# If the array exists, then set its length to 0 (to empty the previous project's nested collection),
# and then add the nested collection project slides of the other project project I clicked on?
# Is there some way to scope an array based on an event? That event would create the array, if one doesn't exist,
# or if it does exist, empty its contents and replace? I'm so lost.
project_slides = project.get('project_slides') # shows project_slides
slides = (slide for slide in project_slides) # creates the slides array, placing each member of the project slides nested collection in the array.
console.log "slides: #{slides}"
i = 0
len = slides.length
callback = ->
slide = slides[i] # gets the current iteration of the slides array
slideView = Demo.ProjectsApp.Show.Controller.getSlidesView slide # creates the view
Demo.ProjectsApp.Show.Controller.projectsLayout.projectSlidesRegion.show slideView # appends the view to the projectsSlideRegion
console.log slide
i = 0 if i >= len
setInterval callback, 5000
slideView = @getSlidesView slides
@projectsLayout.projectSlidesRegion.show slideView
class Show.ProjectName extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
template: JST["backbone/apps/projects/templates/_project_name_on_project_list"]
tagName: "li"
"click a.project-link" : ->
Demo.AboutApp.Show.trigger "project-name:link:clicked", @model
"click .project-link" : "project:link:clicked"
class Show.ProjectSlideList extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
template: JST["backbone/apps/projects/templates/_project_slide"]
tagName: "li"
itemViewContainer: "project-slides"
initialize: ->
console.log "ProjectSlideList View initialized"
console.log this
"add" : "render"
"change" : "render"
class Entities.Project extends Backbone.Model
url: -> Routes.project_path(id)
class Entities.ProjectsCollection extends Backbone.Collection
model: Entities.Project
url: -> Routes.projects_path()
5/22/13 控制器中的最终代码:
showProjectList: (projects) ->
projectListView = @getProjectListView projects
Demo.AboutApp.Show.on "project-name:link:clicked", (project) =>
clearInterval @timer # <-- this is important; gets rid of previous project
@showProject project
@projectsLayout.projectListRegion.show projectListView
# Project id
showProject: (project) ->
console.log project
project_slides = project.get('project_slides')
newProjectView = @getProjectDetailsView project
@projectsLayout.projectDetailsRegion.show newProjectView
slideIndex = -1
slides_length = project_slides.length
getNextSlide = ->
console.log project
console.log project_slides
slide = project_slides[slideIndex]
slideIndex = 0 if slideIndex >= slides_length
console.log slide
slideView = Demo.ProjectsApp.Show.Controller.getSlidesView slide
Demo.ProjectsApp.Show.Controller.projectsLayout.projectSlidesRegion.show slideView
@timer = setInterval getNextSlide, 5000
我在后端和 rabl gem 上使用 Rails。这允许我将 project_slides 作为子集合传递给父项目。换句话说,project_slides 已经是一个 project_slide 对象数组。我只需要每隔一段时间对它们进行迭代。
Project {cid: "c32", attributes: Object, collection: ProjectsCollection, _changing: false, attributes: Object}
detail: "first project details"
id: 1
logo: "project-icon.png"
name: "First Project Name"
problem: "The First Project's Problem Description"
project_slides: Array[4]
0: Object
avatar: "first_image.png"
caption: "first image's caption"
id: 1
project_id: 1
__proto__: Object
1: Object
2: Object
3: Object
length: 4
cid: "c32"
collection: ProjectsCollection
id: 1
当我单击一个新项目时,marionette js 会处理僵尸并填充正确的数据。当一个已经通过时,无需创建另一个幻灯片集合。伙计,我只见树木不见森林。