我想用单词而不是字符来限制 substr。我正在考虑正则表达式和空格,但不知道如何解决。
场景:使用 javascript/jQuery 将一段单词限制为 200 个单词。
var $postBody = $postBody.substr(' ',200);
这很棒,但把单词分成两半:) 提前谢谢!
我想用单词而不是字符来限制 substr。我正在考虑正则表达式和空格,但不知道如何解决。
场景:使用 javascript/jQuery 将一段单词限制为 200 个单词。
var $postBody = $postBody.substr(' ',200);
这很棒,但把单词分成两半:) 提前谢谢!
function trim_words(theString, numWords) {
expString = theString.split(/\s+/,numWords);
theNewString=expString.join(" ");
return theNewString;
if you're satisfied with a not-quite accurate solution, you could simply keep a running count on the number of space characters within the text and assume that it is equal to the number of words.
Otherwise, I would use split() on the string with " " as the delimiter and then count the size of the array that split returns.
very quick and dirty
我想您还需要考虑标点符号和其他非单词、非空白字符。您需要 200 个单词,不包括空格和非字母字符。
var word_count = 0;
var in_word = false;
for (var x=0; x < text.length; x++) {
if ( ... text[x] is a letter) {
if (!in_word) word_count++;
in_word = true;
} else {
in_word = false;
if (!in_word && word_count >= 200) ... cut the string at "x" position