in my code i am unable to print out the value assigned into the vector.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using std::stringstream;
string pMem, comment, sGen, val,input,id,size,inits,incs;
double pmemSize =0;
char t[10], m[256],init[10],inc[10];
struct rootset {
double totSize;
double *rStrtPtr;
double *rEndPtr;
vector<double> physicalM; /* This is the size of physical memory i need to assign*/
struct generations {
double totSize;
const char *genStrtPtr;
const char *genEndPtr;
int numOfGen;
string genName;
struct object {
double objSize;
const char *objStrtPtr;
const char *objEndPtr;
string id;
char markBit;
char objPtr;
struct freeList {
double freeSpace;
int flNumb;
int main()
int pmemSize;
cout<<" ENter the size "<<endl;
cin >> pmemSize;
vector<rootset> pRootSet;
pRootSet[0].totSize = pmemSize;
for (int s=0; s<pmemSize; ++s)
pRootSet[0].physicalM[0] =s;
vector<double>::iterator it;
for(it = pRootSet[0].physicalM.begin(); it!= pRootSet[0].physicalM.end(); ++it)
cout <<"Printing it: " <<(*it)<<endl;
I basically need to assign some space in the physical memory provided by the user. I thought i'd use vectors. But i am unable to print the values i enter into the physicalM.