I currently have a website that i am running at my home based on Java/SpringMVC web server.

I want to stream my webcam to my website so i can connect to it where ever i am from a browser and see my room.

Does anyone know an easy solution/server to use to do this and how to capture this in HTML.

Maybe a guide or sample project or something. I cant find anything useful/straight forward on Google.

I have already tried Red5/VLC as a media server but have had no luck so far capturing the video on a webpage. (using html5 video tags on chrome.)

I need to have this embedded in my home website. So it has to be browser based

I have decent Enterprise Java skills but streaming video is kind of new to me.



1 回答 1



使用 Windows 媒体服务器/Flash 媒体服务器。通过 Windows Media Encoder 或 flash 媒体编码器将您的网络摄像头推送到服务器,并使用服务器实时链接通过任何合适的播放器(如 jwplayer)链接到您的网站。

使用 Windows Media Encoder 将您的网络摄像头流式传输给不涉及服务器的任何人。当您的编码器启动时,您将获得一个用于查看流的 URL,您可以使用该 URL 在您的站点中发布。

使用第三方流媒体服务,它们为您提供发布点来发布您的网络摄像头流,并使用他们提供的链接在您的网站上显示它。(通过 LiveStream 与 brigcove 或 Mogulus 核对


于 2013-09-12T14:15:31.337 回答