类似以下(未经测试)的代码可能会起到作用,它巧妙地意味着您可以完全避免在 ajax 请求中担心微调器:
var spinningAjax = (function() { // use of the closure created by an immediate function gives us the scope to create a persistant counter variable
var counter = 0;
$(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
if (counter === 0) {
return function(settings) {
var showSpinner(bool) {
// I'll leave this up to you as it looks like your posted html / js is for example purposes rather than replicating your actual site
var spinningAjax = (function() { // closure of immediate function lets us create a persistant array of the counters for each spinner
var counter = []; // an array to hold the counters for each spinner
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, settings) { // called whenever any ajax request is completed
if (typeof settings.ajaxGroup !== 'undefined') { // only update the counters if an ajaxGroup has been provided
if (counter[settings.ajaxGroup] === 0) {
showSpinner(false, settings.ajaxGroup); // hide spinner when all requests connected with the spinner have been completed
return function(settings) { // this is the function actually assigned to the variable spinningAjax as a result of the immediate function
counter[settings.ajaxGroup] = counter[settings.ajaxGroup] ? counter[settings.ajaxGroup]+1 : 1; // can't just use the ++ operator as this property might not be defined yet
showSpinner(true, settings.ajaxGroup);
var showSpinner(bool, spinnerIdentifier) {
// I'll leave this up to you as it looks like your posted html / js is for example purposes rather than replicating your actual site