I would consider two ordered sets.
When a search term
is submitted, get the current timestamp
zadd timestamps timestamp term
zincrby counts 1 term
The above two operations should be atomic.
Then to find all terms in the given time interval timestamp_from
, timestamp_to
zrangebyscore timestamps timestamp_from timestamp_to
after you get these, loop over them and get the counts from counts
Alternatively, I am curious whether you can use zunionstore
. Here is my test in Ruby:
require 'redis'
KEYS = %w(counts timestamps results)
TERMS = %w(test0 keyword1 test0 test1 keyword1 test0 keyword0 keyword1 test0)
def redis
@redis ||= Redis.new
def timestamp
(Time.now.to_f * 1000).to_i
redis.del KEYS
TERMS.each {|term|
redis.multi {|r|
r.zadd 'timestamps', timestamp, term
r.zincrby 'counts', 1, term
sleep rand
redis.zunionstore 'results', ['timestamps', 'counts'], weights: [1, 1e15]
KEYS.each {|key|
p [key, redis.zrange(key, 0, -1, withscores: true)]
# top 2 terms
p redis.zrevrangebyscore 'results', '+inf', '-inf', limit: [0, 2]
EDIT: at some point you would need to clear the counts
set. Something similar to what @Eli proposed (https://stackoverflow.com/a/16618932/410102).