有人可以帮助我识别漏洞并解决它们吗?我今天早上发布了这个网站,但它一直被黑客入侵或其他一些事情,我对 sql 注入漏洞不熟悉。有人可以帮我找到它们是什么吗?
//Variables for connecting to your database.
//These variable values come from your hosting account.
$hostname = "istheinternet.db.10527209.hostedresource.com";
$username = "istheinternet";
$dbname = "istheinternet";
//These variable values need to be changed by you before deploying
$password = "**********";
$usertable = "posts";
$yourfield1 = "post";
$yourfield2 = "time";
//Connecting to your database
mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) OR DIE ("Unable to
connect to database! Please try again later.");
// Fetching from your database table.
$query = "SELECT * FROM $usertable ORDER BY time DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
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function valid(f) {
!(/^[A-z!., Ñ!., ñ0-9]*$/i).test(f.value)?f.value = f.value.replace(/[^A-z!., Ñ!., ñ0-9]/ig,''):null;
<div class="breadcrumbs">
<h1>What makes your internet awesome?</h1>
<form id="blog_form" action ="thisfile.php"
method ="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<textarea name="post" placeholder="Tell us what makes your internet awesome!" rows="15" cols="50" maxlength="300" onkeyup="valid(this)" onblur="valid(this)"> </textarea></body></br>
<button type="submit"> Post</button>
<button type="reset"> Clear</button>
<span class="column1">
<h2> Stories</h2>
<?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo $row["$yourfield2"].", ".$row["$yourfield1"]."<br/>\n"."<br/>\n";
<span class="column2">
<p><Strong>Keep in mind all posts are final unless the website owner finds errors in formatting.</Strong></p
<p><Strong><Strong>Welcome Reddit users</Strong></Strong></p>
<p>Please note that any links and or images will not post sorry to ruin your fun!</p>
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<script type="text/javascript"
//These variable values need to be changed by you before deploying
$password = "**********";
$usertable = "posts";
$yourfield1 = "time";
//Connecting to your database
mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) OR DIE ("Unable to
connect to database! Please try again later.");
$post= trim($_REQUEST['post']);
// Required field names
$required = array('post');
$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO posts (post)" . "Values('{$post}')";
mysql_query($insert_sql) or die(mysql_error());
header("Location: http://istheinternetfuckingawesome.com");