我正在尝试读取一个文本文件(foo1.txt),删除所有 nltk 定义的停用词并写入另一个文件(foo2.txt)。代码如下: 需要导入:from nltk.corpus import stopwords
def stop_words_removal():
with open("foo1.txt") as f:
reading_file_line = f.readlines() #entire content, return list
#print reading_file_line #list
reading_file_info = [item.rstrip('\n') for item in reading_file_line]
#print reading_file_info #List and strip \n
#print ' '.join(reading_file_info)
#Filtering & converting to lower letter
for i in reading_file_info:
words_filtered = [e.lower() for e in i.split() if len(e) >= 4]
print words_filtered
'''removing the strop words from the file'''
word_list = words_filtered[:]
#print word_list
for word in words_filtered:
if word in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'):
print word
print word_list.remove(word)
'''write the output in a file'''
z = ' '.join(words_filtered)
out_file = open("foo2.txt", "w")
问题是代码的第二部分“从文件中删除 strop 单词”不起作用。任何建议将不胜感激。谢谢。
Example Input File:
'I a Love this car there', 'positive',
'This a view is amazing there', 'positive',
'He is my best friend there', 'negative'
Example Output:
['love', "car',", "'positive',"]
['view', "amazing',", "'positive',"]
['best', "friend',", "'negative'"]