我做了两个:符号链接和下载并安装版本 2.0.6-release。
RAILS_ENV=production rake _0.8.7_ thinking_sphinx:configure
Sphinx cannot be found on your system. You may need to configure the following
settings in your config/sphinx.yml file:
* bin_path
* searchd_binary_name
* indexer_binary_name
For more information, read the documentation:
Generating Configuration to /var/www/config/production.sphinx.conf
Generating Configuration to /var/www/config/production.sphinx.conf
RAILS_ENV=production rake _0.8.7_ thinking_sphinx:index
(在 /var/www 中)
在您的系统上找不到 Sphinx。您可能需要在 config/sphinx.yml 文件中配置以下设置: * bin_path * searchd_binary_name * indexer_binary_name
http :
//freelancing-god.github.com/ts/en/advanced_config.html 生成配置到 /var/www/config/production.sphinx.conf Sphinx 2.0.6-release (r3473 ) 版权所有 (c) 2001-2012,Andrew Aksyonoff 版权所有 (c) 2008-2012,Sphinx Technologies Inc ( http://sphinxsearch.com )
使用配置文件“/var/www/config/production.sphinx.conf”... 警告:/var/www/config/production.sphinx.conf 第 8 行中已弃用密钥“地址”;改用“听”。
当我尝试打开 rails 控制台时:
RAILS_ENV=production rails c
Sphinx cannot be found on your system. You may need to configure the following
settings in your config/sphinx.yml file:
* bin_path
* searchd_binary_name
* indexer_binary_name
For more information, read the documentation:
Loading production environment (Rails 3.0.1)
1.9.2-p320 :001 > Vacancy.search "ruby"
Riddle cannot detect Sphinx on your machine, and so can't determine which
version of Sphinx you are planning on using. Please use one of the following
lines after "require 'riddle'" to avoid this warning.
require 'riddle/0.9.8'
# or
require 'riddle/0.9.9'
# or
require 'riddle/1.10'
Riddle cannot detect Sphinx on your machine, and so can't determine which
version of Sphinx you are planning on using. Please use one of the following
lines after "require 'riddle'" to avoid this warning.
require 'riddle/0.9.8'
# or
require 'riddle/0.9.9'
# or
require 'riddle/1.10'