第一次联系Subversion 服务器时,可能会生成以下证书消息:
Error validating server certificate for 'https://svn-ccsm-release.cgd.ucar.edu:443': - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the fingerprint to validate the certificate manually! - The certificate hostname does not match. - The certificate has expired. Certificate information: - Hostname: localhost.localdomain - Valid: from Feb 20 23:32:25 2008 GMT until Feb 19 23:32:25 2009 GMT - Issuer: SomeOrganizationalUnit, SomeOrganization, SomeCity, SomeState, -- - Fingerprint: 86:01:bb:a4:4a:e8:4d:8b:e1:f1:01:dc:60:b9:96:22:67:a4:49:ff (R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?
接受证书后,存储库将请求用户名和密码。请注意,该请求可能会将当前机器登录 ID 设置为默认用户名。一旦正确输入,用户名和密码将被缓存在用户主目录的受保护子目录中,因此给定机器不需要重复输入此信息。