我正在努力使用 Play 和 JPA,以便能够使用与两个不同持久性单元相关联的两个不同 javax.persistence.Entity 模型(需要能够连接到不同的数据库 - 例如 Oracle 和 MySQL 数据库)。

问题来自始终绑定到默认 JPA persitenceUnit 的事务(请参阅 jpa.default 选项)。


import models.Company;
import models.User;
import play.db.jpa.JPA;
import play.db.jpa.Transactional;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;

public class Application extends Controller {
    //This method run with the otherPersistenceUnit
    public static Result test1() {
        JPA.em().persist(new Company("MyCompany"));

        //Transaction is run with the "defaultPersistenceUnit"
        JPA.withTransaction(new play.libs.F.Callback0() {
            public void invoke() throws Throwable {
                JPA.em().persist(new User("Bobby"));
        return ok();

    //This action run with the otherPersistenceUnit
    public static Result test2() {
        JPA.em().persist(new User("Ryan"));

        try {
            JPA.withTransaction("other", false, new play.libs.F.Function0<Void>() {
                public Void apply() throws Throwable {
                    JPA.em().persist(new Company("YourCompany"));
                    return null;
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
            throw new RuntimeException(throwable);
        return ok();


为此,我在 git 上创建了一个带有工作示例应用程序的存储库,该示例应用程序显示了我如何配置项目。




1 回答 1


i met the same problem, too. too many advices are about PersistenceUnit annotation or getJPAConfig. but both them seem not work in play framework.
i found out a method which works well in my projects. maybe you can try it.
playframework2 how to open multi-datasource configuration with jpa
gud luk!

于 2013-12-09T08:18:15.277 回答