我已将此作为 unicode 粘贴到 xls 文件的单元格 A1:
<html><p>This is a test. Will this text be <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i></p></html>
这个 html 行产生这个:
public class ExcelWithHtml {
// <html><p>This is a test. Will this text be <b>bold</b> or
// <i>italic</i></p></html>
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
new ExcelWithHtml()
boolean inBold = false;
boolean inItalic = false;
public void readFirstCellOfXSSF(String filePathName)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePathName);
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
String cellHtml = getHtmlFormatedCellValueFromSheet(sheet, "A1");
public String getHtmlFormatedCellValueFromSheet(XSSFSheet sheet,
String cellName) {
CellReference cellReference = new CellReference(cellName);
XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol());
XSSFRichTextString cellText = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
String htmlCode = "";
// htmlCode = "<html>";
for (int i = 0; i < cellText.numFormattingRuns(); i++) {
try {
htmlCode += getFormatFromFont(cellText.getFontAtIndex(i));
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
try {
htmlCode += getFormatFromFont(cellText
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
int indexStart = cellText.getIndexOfFormattingRun(i);
int indexEnd = indexStart + cellText.getLengthOfFormattingRun(i);
htmlCode += cellText.getString().substring(indexStart, indexEnd);
if (inItalic) {
htmlCode += "</i>";
inItalic = false;
if (inBold) {
htmlCode += "</b>";
inBold = false;
// htmlCode += "</html>";
return htmlCode;
private String getFormatFromFont(XSSFFont font) {
String formatHtmlCode = "";
if (font.getItalic() && !inItalic) {
formatHtmlCode += "<i>";
inItalic = true;
} else if (!font.getItalic() && inItalic) {
formatHtmlCode += "</i>";
inItalic = false;
if (font.getBold() && !inBold) {
formatHtmlCode += "<b>";
inBold = true;
} else if (!font.getBold() && inBold) {
formatHtmlCode += "</b>";
inBold = false;
return formatHtmlCode;
This is a test. Will this text be <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i>