新来的,所以要温柔,我目前正在为我的课程做我的主要项目,我不是要求为我完成家庭作业,我只是无法解决我遇到的一个奇怪问题即使在这里,也无法找到答案。我正在为我的绘图使用 SDL。
我正在使用我的项目或“状态机”进行面向对象编程(相信我,这在新手心中听起来不那么痛苦),并且在我的 Class Game1.cpp 的渲染部分中,我试图调用一个 Draw Function我的播放器类,但由于某些我无法理解的未知原因,它只是完全跳过了这个函数调用。
#include "Game1.h"
#include "PlayerCharacter.h"
Game1::Game1( World * worldObject )
//object setup
this->worldObject = worldObject;
setDone (false);
void Game1::handle_events()
//**//////////////Call Input///////////////**
//******Check for Keyboard Input*************
//******Check Keyboard Logic*****************
//******Check for Mouse Input****************
//The mouse offsets
x = 0, y = 0;
//If the mouse moved
if (SDL_PollEvent(&worldObject->event))
if( worldObject->event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION )
//Get the mouse offsets
x = worldObject->event.motion.x;
y = worldObject->event.motion.y;
//******Check Mouse Logic********************
void Game1::logic()
//**//////////Collision Detection//////////**
//******Check Player Bullet Collision Loop***
//Check for collision with enemies
//Check for collision with bitmap mask (walls)
//******Check Enemy Bullet Collision Loop****
//Check for Collision with Player
//Check for collision with bitmap mask (walls)
void Game1::render()
//******Blit Black Background****************
SDL_FillRect(worldObject->Screen , NULL , 0xff000000);
//******Blit Bitmap Mask*********************
//******Blit Flashlight**********************
//******Blit Map*****************************
//******Blit Pickups*************************
//******Blit Bullets*************************
//******Blit Player**************************
&PlayerCharacter.Draw; // <----- Skips this line completely, no idea why
//******Blit Enemies*************************
//******Blit Blackened Overlay***************
//******Blit HUD*****************************
//******Flip Screen**************************
#ifndef __Game1_H_INLUDED__
#define __Game1_H_INLUDED__
#include "GameState.h"
#include "SDL.h"
#include "ImageLoader.h"
using namespace IMGLoader;
class Game1 : public GameState
//Menu Image
World * worldObject;
SDL_Rect PauseMenu,Item1Tile,Item2Tile,Item3Tile;
/*bool bPauseMenu, bItem1Tile, bItem2Tile, bItem3Tile;
int ButtonSpace,ButtonSize;
float x,y;
int Alpha1,Alpha2;*/
//Clipping Window
//SDL_Rect sclip,dclip;
//Loads Menu resources
Game1 (World * worldObject);
//Frees Menu resources
//Main loop functions
void handle_events();
void logic();
void render();
#include "PlayerCharacter.h"
SDL_Rect psclip,pdclip;
PlayerCharacter::PlayerCharacter ( float X, float Y, float dX, float dY, float Angle, float Speed, bool Existance, int Height, int Width, int Health, int Shield, SDL_Surface* Player ):Characters ( X, Y, dX, dY, Angle, Speed, Existance, Height, Width, Health )
this->Player = Player;
this->Shield = Shield;
this->Player = load_image("image\Player1.png");
void PlayerCharacter::setShield ( int Shield )
this->Shield = Shield;
int PlayerCharacter::getShield ( void )
return Shield;
void PlayerCharacter::Draw( )
psclip.x = 0; psclip.y = 0; psclip.w = 64; psclip.h = 64;
pdclip.x = 640; pdclip.y = 318; pdclip.w = 64; pdclip.h = 64;
SDL_BlitSurface(Player, &psclip, worldObject->Screen, &pdclip);
#ifndef __PlayerCharacter_H_INCLUDED__
#define __PlayerCharacter_H_INCLUDED__
#include "Characters.h"
class PlayerCharacter : public Characters
int Shield;
SDL_Surface* Player;
World *worldObject;
PlayerCharacter ( float X, float Y, float dX, float dY, float Angle, float Speed, bool Existance, int Height, int Width, int Health, int Shield, SDL_Surface* Player );
void setShield ( int Shield );
int getShield ( void );
void Draw ( );