I am creating a grails standalone application with with embedded tomcat server the application works fine with embedded tomcat server.

But i need to integrate embedded mysql with the application. Any tutorial or any hint to start with is very much appreciated.

The points i need to figure out

  1. how can i configure my standalone application to use embedded mysql
  2. whether mysql can be configured as embedded database or not

2 回答 2


根据这个问题,您似乎正在寻找MySQL Connector

于 2013-05-17T11:13:09.720 回答

对于新版本的 grails (3,4),嵌入式 mysql 插件存在 https://github.com/purpleraven/embedded-mysql-grails-plugin

于 2021-03-24T21:07:01.847 回答