我需要通过 asp.net 页面发送证书。ActiveX 会从用户的 PC 读取证书,然后单击按钮,证书应该以某种方式转到服务器以签署文档(私钥)我正在考虑填充隐藏的 asp 输入字段并在服务器上重建证书。这种方法可行还是更好的方法?我应该尝试使用 Silverlight 做同样的事情吗?


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No way. The private key in most cases is not exportable (i.e. the activex can't read the certificate's private key) and in all cases you may not transfer the private key anywhere. The proper approach is to send the hash of the signed data to the client and sign it there (on the client side).

We have Distributed Cryptography add-on in our SecureBlackbox product that does exactly what I described above. See the detailed description in this answer on SO.

于 2013-05-17T10:02:31.357 回答