我找到了我想在我的游戏中实现的 Alvin Liang 的这个 python 扑克手评估器:https ://github.com/aliang/pokerhand-eval
更好的解决方案满足我的需求(我目前想实现这个):(来自 Peter Norvig 的 csc212 udacity 课程)
import itertools
## Deck adds two cards:
## '?B': black joker; can be used as any black card (S or C)
## '?R': red joker; can be used as any red card (H or D)
allranks = '23456789TJQKA'
redcards = [r+s for r in allranks for s in 'DH']
blackcards = [r+s for r in allranks for s in 'SC']
def best_wild_hand(hand):
"Try all values for jokers in all 5-card selections."
hands = set(best_hand(h)
for h in itertools.product(*map(replacements, hand)))
return max(hands, key=hand_rank)
def replacements(card):
"""Return a list of the possible replacements for a card.
There will be more than 1 only for wild cards."""
if card == '?B': return blackcards
elif card == '?R': return redcards
else: return [card]
def best_hand(hand):
"From a 7-card hand, return the best 5 card hand."
return max(itertools.combinations(hand, 5), key=hand_rank)
def test_best_wild_hand():
assert (sorted(best_wild_hand("6C 7C 8C 9C TC 5C ?B".split()))
== ['7C', '8C', '9C', 'JC', 'TC'])
assert (sorted(best_wild_hand("TD TC 5H 5C 7C ?R ?B".split()))
== ['7C', 'TC', 'TD', 'TH', 'TS'])
assert (sorted(best_wild_hand("JD TC TH 7C 7D 7S 7H".split()))
== ['7C', '7D', '7H', '7S', 'JD'])
return 'test_best_wild_hand passes'
def hand_rank(hand):
"Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand."
ranks = card_ranks(hand)
if straight(ranks) and flush(hand):
return (8, max(ranks))
elif kind(4, ranks):
return (7, kind(4, ranks), kind(1, ranks))
elif kind(3, ranks) and kind(2, ranks):
return (6, kind(3, ranks), kind(2, ranks))
elif flush(hand):
return (5, ranks)
elif straight(ranks):
return (4, max(ranks))
elif kind(3, ranks):
return (3, kind(3, ranks), ranks)
elif two_pair(ranks):
return (2, two_pair(ranks), ranks)
elif kind(2, ranks):
return (1, kind(2, ranks), ranks)
return (0, ranks)
def card_ranks(hand):
"Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r, s in hand]
ranks.sort(reverse = True)
return [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] if (ranks == [14, 5, 4, 3, 2]) else ranks
def flush(hand):
"Return True if all the cards have the same suit."
suits = [s for r,s in hand]
return len(set(suits)) == 1
def straight(ranks):
"""Return True if the ordered
ranks form a 5-card straight."""
return (max(ranks)-min(ranks) == 4) and len(set(ranks)) == 5
def kind(n, ranks):
"""Return the first rank that this hand has
exactly n-of-a-kind of. Return None if there
is no n-of-a-kind in the hand."""
for r in ranks:
if ranks.count(r) == n: return r
return None
def two_pair(ranks):
"""If there are two pair here, return the two
ranks of the two pairs, else None."""
pair = kind(2, ranks)
lowpair = kind(2, list(reversed(ranks)))
if pair and lowpair != pair:
return (pair, lowpair)
return None
print test_best_wild_hand()
这是我拥有的 GamerManager 代码:
import json
import gameboard
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse, render, redirect, Http404
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
cardDict = {
0: "ace of clubs",
1: "two of clubs",
2: "three of clubs",
3: "four of clubs",
4: "five of clubs",
5: "six of clubs",
6: "seven of clubs",
7: "eight of clubs",
8: "nine of clubs",
9: "ten of clubs",
10: "jack of clubs",
11: "queen of clubs",
12: "king of clubs",
13: "ace of diamonds",
14: "two of diamonds",
15: "three of diamonds",
16: "four of diamonds",
17: "five of diamonds",
18: "six of diamonds",
19: "seven of diamonds",
20: "eight of diamonds",
21: "nine of diamonds",
22: "ten of diamonds",
23: "jack of diamonds",
24: "queen of diamonds",
25: "king of diamonds",
26: "ace of hearts",
27: "two of hearts",
28: "three of hearts",
29: "four of hearts",
30: "five of hearts",
31: "six of hearts",
32: "seven of hearts",
33: "eight of hearts",
34: "nine of hearts",
35: "ten of hearts",
36: "jack of hearts",
37: "queen of hearts",
38: "king of hearts",
39: "ace of spades",
40: "two of spades",
41: "three of spades",
42: "four of spades",
43: "five of spades",
44: "six of spades",
45: "seven of spades",
46: "eight of spades",
47: "nine of spades",
48: "ten of spades",
49: "jack of spades",
50: "queen of spades",
51: "king of spades",
52: "black joker",
53: "red joker",
54: "back"
def createGameRoom(request):
userName = request.user.username
board = gameboard.GameBoard()
points = [0, 0, 0, 0]
room = request.POST['gameRoom']
roomDir = 'Game/GameRooms/game'+room+'.json'
gameFile = open(roomDir)
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
if gameState['p1Name'] == userName:
gameState['board'] = board.board
gameState['playerNum'] = 4
gameState['turn'] = 1
gameState['rounds'] = 0
gameState['timeLimit'] = 30
gameState['points'] = points
gameState['player1'] = [0, 0]
gameState['player2'] = [0, 5]
gameState['player3'] = [5, 5]
gameState['player4'] = [5, 0]
gameState['player1Hand'] = []
gameState['player2Hand'] = []
gameState['player3Hand'] = []
gameState['player4Hand'] = []
with open(roomDir, 'w+') as jFile:
json.dump(gameState, jFile)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(gameState), content_type="application/json")
def resetRoom(request):
if request.user.is_staff:
board = gameboard.GameBoard()
points = [0, 0, 0, 0]
room = request.GET['room']
roomDir = 'Game/GameRooms/game'+room+'.json'
with open(roomDir, 'w+') as jFile:
gameState = {'board': board.board,
'playerNum': 4,
'playerCount': 0,
'turn': 1,
'rounds': 0,
'timeLimit': 30,
'p1Name': '',
'p2Name': '',
'p3Name': '',
'p4Name': '',
'points': points,
'player1': [0, 0],
'player2': [0, 5],
'player3': [5, 5],
'player4': [5, 0],
'player1Hand': [],
'player2Hand': [],
'player3Hand': [],
'player4Hand': []}
json.dump(gameState, jFile)
return redirect(showRooms)
return HttpResponse('Error')
def joinGameRoom(request):
room = request.GET["room"]
roomDir = 'Game/GameRooms/game' + room + ".json"
gameFile = open(roomDir)
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
playerNum = 0
print "joined room:" + str(request.user.username)
if gameState['playerCount'] >= 4:
return HttpResponse("Room is full")
if gameState['p1Name'] == '':
gameState['p1Name'] = request.user.username
playerNum = 1
elif gameState['p2Name'] == '':
gameState['p2Name'] = request.user.username
playerNum = 2
elif gameState['p3Name'] == '':
gameState['p3Name'] = request.user.username
playerNum = 3
elif gameState['p4Name'] == '':
gameState['p4Name'] = request.user.username
playerNum = 4
gameState['playerCount'] += 1
with open(roomDir, 'w+') as jFile:
json.dump(gameState, jFile)
context = {'roomNum': room, 'playerNum': playerNum}
return render(request, "Games/board.html", context)
def startRound(request):
room = request.POST['gameRoom']
gameDir = 'Game/GameRooms/game'+room+'.json'
gameFile = open(gameDir)
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
board = gameboard.GameBoard()
gameState['board'] = board.board
gameState['rounds'] += 1
gameState['player1'] = [0, 0]
gameState['player1Hand'] = []
gameState['player2'] = [0, 5]
gameState['player2Hand'] = []
gameState['player3'] = [5, 5]
gameState['player3Hand'] = []
gameState['player4'] = [5, 0]
gameState['player4Hand'] = []
with open(gameDir, 'w+') as jFile:
json.dump(gameState, jFile)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(gameState), content_type="application/json")
def makeMove(request):
room = request.POST['roomNum']
gameDir = 'Game/GameRooms/game'+room+'.json'
row = int(request.POST['row'])
column = int(request.POST['column'])
playerNum = request.POST['playerNum']
gameFile = open(gameDir)
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
print gameState
if int(playerNum) == gameState['turn']:
print 'making move: ' + playerNum + " in room " + room
player = 'player'+playerNum
gameState[player] = [row, column]
card = gameState['board'][row][column]
if card != 54:
gameState[player + 'Hand'].append(card)
gameState['board'][row][column] = 54
gameState['turn'] += 1
if gameState['turn'] > 4:
gameState['turn'] = 1
with open(gameDir, 'w+') as jfile:
json.dump(gameState, jfile)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(gameState), content_type="application/json")
def checkOccupied(gameState, row, column):
isOccupied = False
gameFile = open('Game/GameRooms/game.json')
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
if gameState['player1'] == [row, column]:
isOccupied = True
if gameState['player2'] == [row, column]:
isOccupied = True
if gameState['player3'] == [row, column]:
isOccupied = True
if gameState['player4'] == [row, column]:
isOccupied = True
return isOccupied
def getValidMoves(request):
gameFile = open('Game/GameRooms/game.json')
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
player = ''
if gameState['turn'] == 1:
player = 'player1'
elif gameState['turn'] == 2:
player = 'player2'
elif gameState['turn'] == 3:
player = 'player3'
elif gameState['turn'] == 4:
player = 'player4'
row = gameState[player][0]
column = gameState[player][1]
tempRow = row
tempCol = column
validMoves = []
while (tempCol + 1) < 6:
tempCol += 1
occupied = checkOccupied(gameState, tempRow, tempCol)
if not occupied:
validMoves.append([tempRow, tempCol])
tempCol = column
while (tempCol - 1) >= 0:
tempCol -= 1
occupied = checkOccupied(gameState, tempRow, tempCol)
if not occupied:
validMoves.append((tempRow, tempCol))
tempCol = column
while (tempRow + 1) < 6:
tempRow += 1
occupied = checkOccupied(gameState, tempRow, tempCol)
if not occupied:
validMoves.append((tempRow, tempCol))
tempRow = row
while (tempRow - 1) >= 0:
tempRow -= 1
occupied = checkOccupied(gameState, tempRow, tempCol)
if not occupied:
validMoves.append((tempRow, tempCol))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(validMoves), content_type="application/json")
def getBoard(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
room = request.POST['gameRoom']
gameDir = 'Game/GameRooms/game'+room+'.json'
gameFile = open(gameDir)
gameState = json.load(gameFile)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(gameState), content_type="application/json")
def showRooms(request):
context = {'room_list':range(1,9)}
return render(request, "Games/rooms.html", context)
class player:
def __init__(self, playerNum):
self.name = ""
self.playerNum = playerNum
self.row = 0
self.column = 0
self.hand = []
def toHand(self, card):
def setPiece(self, row, column):
self.row = row
self.column = column
def clearHand(self):
self.hand = []