是否可以在使用 Maven 的 Java(多模块)项目上运行Marginalia ?

或者有没有其他类似于 Marginalia 或Docco的替代方案可以做到这一点?

对我来说重要的是能够将它作为一些公共 Maven 存储库的依赖项添加并立即使用它,而无需为 Docco 安装任何其他东西,例如 Node.js - 这是合理的,因为它是一个 Java 项目。


3 回答 3



  • 带有 Zi 插件的边距;
  • Jocco(尽管它没有在任何 Maven 存储库上发布);
  • 然后,我找到了 atlasssian-docco

我将不得不修改我的评论格式以适应指南,但我认为这个 Maven 插件可以完成这项工作。有什么想法吗?

于 2013-05-17T10:53:12.033 回答

如果人们仍在寻找 javadoc 的替代编程文档生成器。我尝试过 Atlassian Docco,但生成的文档不是那么吸引人和可读。然后发现了Groc。到现在比以前好多了。Groc 旨在支持文学编程。试试看。似乎 Groc 不包含 Maven 依赖项

于 2014-12-24T18:15:39.560 回答

docufier是一个工具,可以将带有文档注释的类(例如单元测试)转换为 markdown。还有一个maven插件。


 * Output and Input
 * ----------------
 * For more control over the execution we'll use a `ProcBuilder` instance to configure
 * the process.
 * The run method builds and spawns the actual process and blocks until the process exits.
 * The process takes care of writing the output to a stream, as opposed to the standard
 * facilities in the JDK that expect the client to actively consume the
 * output from an input stream:
public void testOutputToStream() {
    ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    new ProcBuilder("echo")
        .withArg("Hello World!")

    assertEquals("Hello World!\n", output.toString());


Output and Input

For more control over the execution we'll use a `ProcBuilder` instance to configure
the process.

The run method builds and spawns the actual process and blocks until the process exits.
The process takes care of writing the output to a stream, as opposed to the standard
facilities in the JDK that expect the client to actively consume the
output from an input stream:

~~~ .java
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

new ProcBuilder("echo")
    .withArg("Hello World!")

assertEquals("Hello World!\n", output.toString());

有关完整示例,请参阅jproc项目的 README.md,它是从验收测试套件生成的。

于 2017-11-25T23:22:32.310 回答