I don't wan to use numpy to work with a 2D matrix
I figured out how to create something that looks like a row and column dictionary. It works fine if I want to look up single values.
But I'm having trouble figuring out how to get values from a row in the same order as I use my columns
from collections import defaultdict
dic = defaultdict(dict)
rowKeys = ['1','2','3']
columnKeys = ['alfa', 'omega', 'bravo', 'charlie']
# Filling up the dictionary with values
from random import randrange
for rKey in rowKeys:
for cKey in columnKeys:
dic[rKey][cKey] = randrange(50)
print dic
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {
'1': {'omega': 28, 'charlie': 42, 'alfa': 13, 'bravo': 45},
'3': {'omega': 8, 'charlie': 5, 'alfa': 13, 'bravo': 4},
'2': {'omega': 19, 'charlie': 42, 'alfa': 29, 'bravo': 26}})
# print dic[rowKeys[0]].keys()
# ['omega', 'charlie', 'alfa', 'bravo']
# In [28]: print dic[rowKeys[0]].values()
# [28, 42, 13, 45]
I want a list of values in the "original" order
[13, 28, 45, 42]
Is there a clean easy-to-read way of doing this?
@jamylak came with an answer that solved my specific problem.
But it did not truly answer my question of how to get values by a list. Suppose I change the order of columnKeys alphabetically (or by other non-logic order) and want to get at list of values returned in that order. How would I go about that __?