我在网上找到了一个脚本,它获取当前工作表,将其复制到一个临时的新电子表格,将其转换为 PDF 并通过电子邮件发送。我能够让它工作,但试图设置它只发送一定的范围。试着玩了一下,但无论如何我都不是一个好的编码器。或者,我也有兴趣弄清楚如何让它适合横向的 1 页 PDF,在没有网格线的情况下进行转换(我的在线研究表明这是不可能的?)甚至作为 XLS 发送。

// Simple function to send Weekly Status Sheets to contacts listed on the "Contacts" sheet in the MPD.

// Load a menu item called "Project Admin" with a submenu item called "Send Status"
// Running this, sends the currently open sheet, as a PDF attachment
function onOpen() {
  var submenu = [{name:"Send Status", functionName:"exportSomeSheets"}];
  SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().addMenu('Project Admin', submenu);  

function exportSomeSheets() {
  // Set the Active Spreadsheet so we don't forget
  var originalSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

  // Set the message to attach to the email.
  var message = "Please see attached"; // Could make it a pop-up perhaps, but out of wine today

  // Get Project Name from Cell A1
  var projectname = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("A1:A1").getValues(); 
  // Get Reporting Period from Cell B3
  var period = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("B3:B3").getValues(); 
  // Construct the Subject Line
  var subject = projectname + " - Weekly Status Sheet - " + period;

  // Get contact details from "Contacts" sheet and construct To: Header
  // Would be nice to include "Name" as well, to make contacts look prettier, one day.
  var contacts = originalSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("Contacts");
  var numRows = contacts.getLastRow();
  var emailTo = contacts.getRange(2, 2, numRows, 1).getValues();

  // Google scripts can't export just one Sheet from a Spreadsheet
  // So we have this disgusting hack

  // Create a new Spreadsheet and copy the current sheet into it.
  var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Spreadsheet to export");
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var projectname = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  sheet = originalSpreadsheet.getActiveSheet();

  // Find and delete the default "Sheet 1", after the copy to avoid triggering an apocalypse

  // Make zee PDF, currently called "Weekly status.pdf"
  // When I'm smart, filename will include a date and project name
  var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(newSpreadsheet.getId()).getAs('application/pdf').getBytes();
  var attach = {fileName:'Weekly Status.pdf',content:pdf, mimeType:'application/pdf'};

  // Send the freshly constructed email 
  MailApp.sendEmail(emailTo, subject, message, {attachments:[attach]});

  // Delete the wasted sheet we created, so our Drive stays tidy.

3 回答 3


我正在使用此代码自动发送带有 pdf 格式电子邮件的 google 电子表格。它工作正常,但我需要通过删除网格线并设置显示 A4 来自定义 pdf。有办法吗?谢谢

Simple function to send Weekly Status Sheets to contacts listed on the "Contacts" sheet in the MPD.

// Load a menu item called "Project Admin" with a submenu item called "Send Status"
// Running this, sends the currently open sheet, as a PDF attachment
function onOpen() {
var submenu = [{name:"Invia", functionName:"exportSomeSheets"}];
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().addMenu('Invia PDF', submenu);  

function exportSomeSheets() {
 // Set the Active Spreadsheet so we don't forget
var originalSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
// Set the message to attach to the email.
var message = "Messaggio email";
// Get Project Name from Cell A1
var projectname = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("A1:A1").getValues(); 
// Get Reporting Period from Cell A2
var period = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("A2:A2").getValues(); 
// Construct the Subject Line
var subject = projectname;

// Get contact details from "Contacts" sheet and construct To: Header
// Would be nice to include "Name" as well, to make contacts look prettier, one day.
var emailTo = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("A3:A3").getValues();

// Create a new Spreadsheet and copy the current sheet into it.
var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Spreadsheet to export");
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var projectname = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
sheet = originalSpreadsheet.getActiveSheet();

var aliases = GmailApp.getAliases()
Logger.log(aliases[2]); //returns the alias located at position 0 of the aliases array

// Make zee PDF, currently called "Weekly status.pdf"
// When I'm smart, filename will include a date and project name
var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(originalSpreadsheet.getId()).getAs('application/pdf').getBytes();
var attach = {fileName:'Nome_allegato',content:pdf, mimeType:'application/pdf'};

// Send the freshly constructed email 
GmailApp.sendEmail(emailTo, subject, message, {'from': aliases[2], attachments:[attach]});

// Delete the wasted sheet we created, so our Drive stays tidy.
于 2014-10-21T13:12:01.257 回答


var sheet_to_send = 'Sheet1';
var as = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheets = as.getSheets();
for(var i in sheets){
    if (sheets[i].getName()!=sheet_to_send){
MailApp.sendEmail(email_to, email_subject, email_body, {attachments: SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()});
for(var i in sheets){
    if (sheets[i].getName()!=sheet_to_send){

如果您有更多要发送的工作表,则可以使用 javascript 对象对其进行过滤:

var sheets_to_send = {'Sheet1':1, 'Sheet3': 1};
// replace 
if (sheets[i].getName()!=sheet_to_send)
// by
if (!(sheets[i].getName() in sheet_to_send))
于 2013-12-29T11:04:37.873 回答


这是我的代码,用于将您的代码从“创建电子表格...”替换为删除新电子表格的 Sheet1 的位置。

  //variables firstRow & lastRow define the part of the sheet to copy
  //create new spreadsheet
  var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('Spreadsheet to export');
  //create temporary sheet to copy to new spreadsheet
  var tempSheet = originalSpreadsheet.insertSheet();
  //if header copy it
  if (sheet.getFrozenRows() > 0)
    dataSheet.getRange( 1, 1, sheet.getFrozenRows() ).copyTo( tempSheet.getRange(1,1) );
  //copy relevant data to temporary sheet
  dataSheet.getRange( firstRow, 1, lastRow - firstRow + 1 ).copyTo(tempSheet.getRange( sheet.getFrozenRows() + 1, 1 ));
  //copy temp sheet to new spreadsheet
  tempSheet.copyTo( newSpreadsheet );

  //delete Sheet1 in new spreadsheet

  //delete temp sheet
于 2013-05-24T12:54:11.863 回答