I have a stateful WebService and a stateless one, which returns a EndPointReference to a new Instance of the stateful webservice. Like the example in this blog https://weblogs.java.net/blog/kohsuke/archive/2006/10/stateful_web_se.html

class BankAccount {
protected final int id;
private int balance;

public BankAccount(int id) { this.id = id; }

public void deposit(int amount) { balance+=amount; }

// either via a public static field

public static StatefulWebServiceManager<BankAccount> manager;


class Bank { // this is ordinary stateless service
    public synchronized W3CEndpointReference login(int accountId) {
          BankAccount acc = new BankAccount(accountId);
          return BankAccount.manager.export(acc);

But when I run the client and call the stateless service method "login" I get following Exception:

javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: No address is available for {http://server.stateful

What I am doing wrong?


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