create table ItemNameSearches
(ItemName varchar(50) not null,timesSearched int not null,
primary key(ItemName))
create table ItemList
(ItemName varchar(50),
primary key (ItemName))
我的想法是让人们通过网络表单输入以逗号分隔的值列表,以便他们可以获得有关某些项目的信息。表 ItemList 包含有关他们搜索的项目的信息(尽管在此示例中表结构并未反映这一点)。但是,如果搜索的项目没有出现在 ItemList 表中,我希望将该 ItemName 插入到 ItemNameSearches 中,以便更好地了解人们正在搜索的内容。
场景 1:第一次搜索一个项目,并在 ItemNameSearches 表中插入了一个新行。我很确定这是触发器的区域,但我不熟悉使用它们,所以我编写了以下存储过程:
create proc spSearchItemName
@itemName1 varchar(50)
,@itemName2 varchar(50) = null
,@itemName3 varchar(50) = null
,@itemName4 varchar(50) = null
;with searchList
(select x.itemName
from (values (@itemName1)
) as x(itemName)
where x.itemName is not null
--these are optional parameters just to give the user more flexibility
--on if they want to look at multiple items at once or not
insert into ItemNameSearches(itemName,timesSearched)
(select sl.itemName
from searchList as sl
left outer join ItemList as il
on il.itemName=sl.itemName
where il.itemName is null
--this subquery finds the items searched for that are not present in the
--itemlist table and sets timesSearched =1 for each
This is well and good for the items that are searched for that do not appear in the ItemList table, but I would have to do something like the following procedure if they DID search for an item that was in the ItemList table
;with searchList
(select x.itemName
from (values ('item 1')
,('item 2')
,('item 3')
,('item 5')
) as x(itemName)
update ins
set timesSearched = timesSearched +1
from ItemNameSearches as ins
where itemName in
(select itemName from searchList)
因此,如果项目存在于 ItemList 表中,这将使搜索项目的次数增加 1。有人可以提供一种巧妙的方式来解决这两种不同的情况吗?这是一个很好的触发器候选者吗?