我一直在制作一个 javascript 计算器,我可以获得所有基本函数和 pow() 函数,但我无法让它执行 Math.sqrt() 函数。在过去的几天里,我遇到了这个问题。这是我的代码,在此先感谢:

function calc()
    var D = "";
    var A = document.getElementById("num1").value;
    var B = document.getElementById("op").value;
    var C = document.getElementById("num2").value;
    X = parseInt(A);
    S = 2
    var Z = "If you're seeing this, that means that the code isn't working!!"
    D = eval(A + B + C);
    if (B == "%")
        D = ""
        Z = Math.sqrt(X)*1
    else if (B == "^")
        D = ""
        Z = Math.pow(X, C)
    else if (B == "^2")
        D = ""
        Z = Math.pow(X, S)
    else if (B == "")
        D = "No Operator"
        Z = ""
    document.getElementById("result").value = D;
    document.getElementById("sqrt-result").value = Z;       
    return false;

1 回答 1



function calc()
    var D = "";
    var A = document.getElementById("num1").value;
    var B = document.getElementById("op").value;
    var C = document.getElementById("num2").value;
    X = parseInt(A);
    S = 2
    var Z = "If you're seeing this, that means that the code isn't working!!"
    if (B == "%")
        Z = Math.sqrt(X)*1
    else if (B == "^")
        Z = Math.pow(X, C)
    else if (B == "^2")
        Z = Math.pow(X, S)
    else if (B == "")
        D = "No Operator"
        Z = ""
    } else {
        // Only do this if not doing any of the above calculations
        D = eval(A + B + C);
    document.getElementById("result").value = D;
    document.getElementById("sqrt-result").value = Z;       
    return false;
于 2013-05-16T14:49:02.047 回答