


 if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) {
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user2pics WHERE picid = $id AND userid = $user");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $votes_up = $cur_votes[0] + 1;
        $resultaat = mysql_query("UPDATE pics SET likes = $votes_up WHERE picid = $id");
        if ($resultaat) {
            $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user2pics (picid, userid, vote) VALUES ($id, $user, 1)");
            if ($query) {
                $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id);
                echo $effectiveVote . " votes";
            } elseif (!$query) {
                echo "Failed!";
        } elseif (!$resultaat) {
            echo "Failed insert in pics!";
    } else {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        if ($row['vote'] == 0) {
            $votes_down = $cur_votes[0] + 1;
            $result = mysql_query("UPDATE pics SET likes = $votes_up WHERE picid = $id");
            if ($result) {
                $resultaat = $mysqli -> prepare("UPDATE user2pics SET vote = 1 WHERE picid = $id AND userid = $user");
                $resultaat -> execute();
                $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id);
                if ($resultaat -> affected_rows == 1) {
                    echo $effectiveVote . " votes";
        } else {
            $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id);
            echo $effectiveVote . " votes";
} else {
    echo "Please login first!";
} elseif ($action == 'vote_down'){
if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) {
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user2pics WHERE picid = $id AND userid = $user");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $votes_down = $cur_votes[1] + 1;
        $resultaat = mysql_query("UPDATE pics SET dislikes = $votes_down WHERE picid = $id");
        if ($resultaat) {
            $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user2pics (picid, userid, vote) VALUES ($id, $user, 0)");
            if ($query) {
                $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id);
                echo $effectiveVote . " votes";
            } elseif (!$query) {
                echo "Failed to dislike!";
        } elseif (!$resultaat) {
            echo "Failed insert in pics!";
    } else {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        if ($row['vote'] == 1) {
            $votes_down = $cur_votes[1] + 1;
            $result = mysql_query("UPDATE pics SET dislikes = $votes_down WHERE picid = $id");
            if ($result) {
                $resultaat = $mysqli -> prepare("UPDATE user2pics SET vote = 0 WHERE picid = $id AND userid = $user");
                $resultaat -> execute();
                $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id);
                if ($resultaat -> affected_rows == 1) {
                    echo $effectiveVote . " votes";
        } else {
            $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id);
            echo $effectiveVote . " votes";
} else {
    echo "Please login first!";

$cur_votes 定义为: $cur_votes = getAllVotes($id);

function getAllVotes($id) {
$votes = array();
$q = "SELECT * FROM pics WHERE picid = $id";
$r = mysql_query($q);
if (mysql_num_rows($r) == 1)//id found in the table
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
    $votes[0] = $row['likes'];
    $votes[1] = $row['dislikes'];
return $votes;

function getEffectiveVotes($id) {
 Returns an integer
$votes = getAllVotes($id);
$effectiveVote = $votes[0] - $votes[1];
return $effectiveVote;

1 回答 1



我没有查看您的弱实体(用户和投票表),因此我们假设它将具有三个字段user_iditem_idvote TINYINT。主键打开user_iditem_id因此同一用户每个项目只能拥有一票。

根据 up 或 down 将 vote 设置为 1 或 -1,而不是存储likes在 item 表中,动态计算 item 的总投票数,如下所示:

SELECT SUM(vote) FROM user_votes WHERE item_id = ?;


SELECT SUM(vote) FROM user_votes WHERE item_id = ? AND vote = 1;

当用户想要记录或更改他的投票时,您可以使用REPLACE INTO语法(感谢 Anigel 的建议——我完全错过了)来存储用户的新投票:

REPLACE INTO user_votes (user_id, item_id, vote) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
于 2013-05-16T13:28:21.470 回答