任务是制作两个函数,一个将灰度图像嵌入到 RGB 函数中。然后第二个显示隐藏的“水印”。我已经完成了任务(代码必须通过 15 个测试,我都通过了:D),但如果可能的话,我想整理我的代码。有人告诉我,我可以使用裁剪功能将水印放在照片顶部的中心(我不知道如何做到这一点),而不是使用数学逻辑。

from PIL import Image
#function for embedding the watermark
def add_watermark(clean_file, watermark_file):

#if the files are not compatible
#or doesn't exist end the function
    clean_photo = Image.open(clean_file)
    watermark_photo = Image.open(watermark_file)
    return False

#the images pixels tuple values are attained
clean_photo_size = clean_photo.size
watermark_photo_size = watermark_photo.size

# .load  was used to return a pixel access object
# that can be used to read and modify pixels
#for both images 
photo_array = clean_photo.load()
watermark_array = watermark_photo.load()

#centring the watermarked image on the photo

#for the pixels that share the same position as the pixels in the
#watermark, manipulate their RGB tuple value to include the watermarks
#greyscale value as part of the original RGB tuple
for line in range(watermark_photo_size[0]):
    for rank in range(watermark_photo_size[1]):
         photo_array [(start_x_coord+line),\
                =(int(((photo_array [(start_x_coord+line),\
                  int(((photo_array [(start_x_coord+line),\
                  int(((photo_array [(start_x_coord+line),\

#create a new file name with _X at the end 
new_File_Name = clean_file[:-4]+"_X"+clean_file[-4:]

#create a new file

#return true for the test
return True

我试图使这篇文章的拼写和语法正确,但我已经醒了 20 个小时,所以如果我错过了什么,我深表歉意。


1 回答 1



注意:Image 和 ImageEnhance 需要将 PIL 系统库安装到 Python 运行时

import os 
from os.path import join, exists
import shutil
import Image

class BatchWatermark:

    def __init__(self):
        self.data = []

    def process(self, infolder, outfolder, watermarkImage):
        if not exists(infolder):
            print("Input folder '" + infolder + "' does not exist")
            raise Exception("Input folder '" + infolder + "' does not exist")
        #if exists(outfolder):
        #    shutil.rmtree(outfolder)

        watermark = Image.open(watermarkImage)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(infolder):
            for name in files:    
                    im = Image.open(join(root, name))
                    if im.mode != 'RGBA':
                        im = im.convert('RGBA')
                        layer = Image.new('RGBA', im.size, (0, 0, 0, 0))

                        wm_x, wm_y = watermark.size[0], watermark.size[1]
                        x = (im.size[0] - wm_x)/2
                        y = (im.size[1] - wm_y)/2
                        position = (x, y)
                        layer.paste(watermark, position)
                        if not exists(outfolder):
                        Image.composite(layer, im, layer).save(join(outfolder, name))
                        print "Watermark added to image file '" + outfolder + "/" + name + "'";
                except Exception, (msg):
                    print msg
于 2014-03-07T08:28:19.750 回答