GROUP BY 通过聚合一组行来汇总数据,每组返回一行。您正在使用聚合函数max()
create table sales (
customerId integer not null,
saleId integer not null,
saledate date not null
insert into sales values
(1, 10, '2013-05-13'),
(1, 11, '2013-05-14'),
(1, 12, '2013-05-14'),
(1, 13, '2013-05-17'),
(2, 20, '2013-05-11'),
(2, 21, '2013-05-16'),
(2, 31, '2013-05-17'),
(2, 32, '2013-03-01'),
(3, 33, '2013-05-14'),
(3, 35, '2013-05-14');
换句话说,前两行来自同一个客户(id 19),我希望他为每个客户只获得一条记录,这将是最大日期的记录,在这种情况下,第二条记录来自此列表。
select s.customerId, max (s.saledate)
from sales s
where s.saledate <= '2013-05-16'
group by s.customerId
order by customerId;
customerId max
1 2013-05-14
2 2013-05-16
3 2013-05-14
那个表是什么意思?这意味着客户“1”购买东西的最晚日期是 5 月 16 日或之前是 5 月 14 日;客户“2”购买东西的最晚日期是 5 月 16 日或之前的日期是 5 月 16 日。如果您在联接中使用此派生表,它将返回具有一致含义的可预测结果。
现在让我们看一个稍微不同的查询。MySQL 允许这种语法,并返回下面的结果集。
select s.customerId, s.saleId, max(s.saledate) max_sale
from sales s
where s.saledate <= '2013-05-16'
group by s.customerId
order by customerId;
customerId saleId max_sale
1 10 2013-05-14
2 20 2013-05-16
3 33 2013-05-14
ID 为“10”的销售并未发生在 5 月 14 日;它发生在 5 月 13 日。这个查询产生了错误。将此派生表与销售交易表连接起来会使错误更加复杂。
这就是 Firebird 正确引发错误的原因。解决方案是从 SELECT 子句中删除 saleId。
现在,说了这么多,您可以像这样找到自 5 月 16 日以来没有销售的客户。
select distinct customerId from sales
where customerID not in
(select customerId
from sales
where saledate >= '2013-05-16')
您可以像这样获得正确的 customerId 和“正确的” saleId。(我说“正确的”saleId,因为当天可能有不止一个。我只是选择了最大值。)
select sales.customerId, sales.saledate, max(saleId)
from sales
inner join (select customerId, max(saledate) max_date
from sales
where saledate < '2013-05-16'
group by customerId) max_dates
on sales.customerId = max_dates.customerId
and sales.saledate = max_dates.max_date
inner join (select distinct customerId
from sales
where customerID not in
(select customerId
from sales
where saledate >= '2013-05-16')) no_sales
on sales.customerId = no_sales.customerId
group by sales.customerId, sales.saledate
就个人而言,我发现公用表表达式使我更容易阅读这样的 SQL 语句,而不会迷失在 SELECT 中。
with no_sales as (
select distinct customerId
from sales
where customerID not in
(select customerId
from sales
where saledate >= '2013-05-16')
max_dates as (
select customerId, max(saledate) max_date
from sales
where saledate < '2013-05-16'
group by customerId
select sales.customerId, sales.saledate, max(saleId)
from sales
inner join max_dates
on sales.customerId = max_dates.customerId
and sales.saledate = max_dates.max_date
inner join no_sales
on sales.customerId = no_sales.customerId
group by sales.customerId, sales.saledate