// nodejs script doing sequential prompts using async readline.question function
var main = (function* () {
// just import and initialize 'readline' in nodejs
var r = require('readline')
var rl = r.createInterface({input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout })
// magic here, the callback is the iterator.next
var answerA = yield rl.question('do you want this? ', res=>main.next(res))
// and again, in a sync fashion
var answerB = yield rl.question('are you sure? ', res=>main.next(res))
// readline boilerplate
console.log(answerA, answerB)
})() // <-- executed: iterator created from generator
main.next() // kick off the iterator,
// runs until the first 'yield', including rightmost code
// and waits until another main.next() happens