c_id c_sdate c_emp c_task
1 2013-05-01 01:01:00 1 26 //date 01 from home-----
2 2013-05-01 08:11:00 1 27 //date 01 from office--- Present
3 2013-05-02 03:41:00 1 28 //date 02 from home---
4 2013-05-02 09:12:00 1 29 //date 02 from office-
5 2013-05-02 22:32:00 1 30 //date 02 from home---Present
6 2013-05-03 01:43:00 1 31 //date 03 from home
7 2013-06-03 23:25:00 1 32 //date 03 from home----------Homework
8 2013-06-03 02:15:00 2 33 //other employee
如果在上午 8 点到晚上 8 点之间有 1 条或多条记录,则该员工将被视为在场
如果有 1 条或多条记录的时间不在上午 8 点到晚上 8 点之间,并且当天没有出现,
我想显示员工的月度报告,例如。c_emp=1 表示月份,例如。1 个查询中有 5 个这样的
c_emp presentCount HW_Count
1 3 1
或单独查询 1
c_emp presentCount
1 3
和查询 2
c_emp HW_Count
1 1
select count(distinct(date_format(c_sdate,'%e'))) as count
from ita_check
where date_format(c_sdate,'%m')=5
and c_emp=1
and date_format(c_sdate,'%H%i')>=800
and date_format(c_sdate,'%H%i')<=2000
select count(distinct(date_format(c_sdate,'%e'))) as count
from ita_check
where date_format(c_sdate,'%m')=5
and c_eid=1
and c_id not in (
select c_id
from ita_check
where date_format(c_sdate,'%m')=5
and c_eid=1
and (date_format(c_sdate,'%H%i')<=800 or date_format(c_sdate,'%H%i')>=2000)
and date_format(c_sdate,'%H%i')<800
or date_format(c_sdate,'%H%i')>2000
在上面的计数查询中,子查询返回 1 和 2,而外部消除 c_id=2 但不是 c_id=1