
我创建了一些包,它们从 sql server 获取数据并将数据加载到 excel 文件中。我已经动态映射了 excel 表。有时我的包工作正常而没有任何错误,但有时它会给出错误“对象不是存在”。我已经使用 excel 文件路径属性设置了 excel 连接管理器的表达式,但有时仍然会出错。请帮助我解决这个问题。提前谢谢....


1 回答 1


If you're setting ConnectionString in Connection Manager as expression, you also need to set DelayValidation property of Connection Manager to True, if the files that ConnectionString references will be created during execution of the package.

enter image description here

于 2013-05-16T11:24:04.763 回答