每当我在 Firefox 上右键单击检查 Firebug 中的元素时,它都会在我检查的元素之前列出这个“*::-moz-progress-bar”CSS。任何人都知道这是什么以及如何摆脱?
2 回答
The current version of Firebug (reportedly started in version 1.11.3) has a bug where it incorrectly displays numerous User Agent CSS at the top of the list. If you've been using the "Show User Agent CSS" option for a while now and this problem just started, you're most likely experiencing this bug.
Give it some time, as the bug was only posted today (5/16/2013). Hopefully the Firebug developers will release a fixed version within a few days.
And as the other poster said, you can always disable the showing of all User Agent CSS. Though as stated in the bug report (link below), it may still appear in certain cases.
Bug Report: http://code.google.com/p/fbug/issues/detail?id=6451
Bug Discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/firebug/5vwmU-IEkbc