I'm moving from Eclipse to Android Studio, and I'm importing my project.

I'm at the step where it's enquiring about libs in my old project. It has two sections, dexedLibs and Libs. Everything I had in my old project appears in dexedLibs, but a few also appear in libs. What is the difference between these two things? Should I remove the duplicate entries in libs?


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dexedLibs包含外部库的预构建库。这是与 ADT21 一起引入的,以实现更快的项目构建。在此之前,每次运行项目时都会构建所有外部库,但现在它们只构建一次并重复使用。两个文件夹中的重复条目应该相同,您可以保留其中任何一个。

于 2013-05-16T09:13:28.453 回答