如何使用 WIDTH: AUTO & HEIGHT: x amount 调整 Facebook 头像的大小?下面的代码有效,但是当头像更宽时,图像看起来很狭窄。


* 更新头像 */ - (void) handleAvatar { if ([[self account] getAvatar]){ if (![self avatarDrawn]){ [self.avatarImageView setHidden:NO];

        [ApiGateway avatarImage: [self account]
              completionHandler: ^(UIImage *fetchedImage, NSURL *fetchedURL, BOOL isInCache) {
                  UIImage * roundedImage = [UIImage roundImage:[UIImage imageWithImage:fetchedImage scaledToSize:self.avatarImageView.frame.size] borderWidth:7.0f];
                  [[self avatarImageView] setImage:roundedImage];
                  [self setAvatarDrawn:YES];
                   @todo Remove strange thin border
              } errorHandler:^(NSError *error) {
                  [Util showNetworkError:error];
} else {
    [self.avatarImageView setHidden:YES];



1 回答 1


通过指定 FBRequestConnection 参数的宽度和高度来修复。

 * Try to fetch an avatar
- (void) sessionStateChanged:(NSNotification*)notification {
    if ([[self account] useFacebookAuthentication]){
        // Try and fetch an avatar
        if ([[FBSession activeSession] isOpen]) {
            // First up, get the facebook User data
            [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath: @"me"
                                         parameters: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"picture.width(200).height(200)" forKey: @"fields"]
                                         HTTPMethod: @"GET"
                                  completionHandler: ^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id<FBGraphUser> fbuser, NSError *error) {
                                      if (!error) {
                                          // Set Avatar to account
                                          [[self account] setAvatar:[fbuser objectForKey:@"picture"][@"data"][@"url"]];
                                          // Update cell
                                          NSIndexPath *mypath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0];
                                          DashboardCell *cell = (DashboardCell *)[[self tableView] cellForRowAtIndexPath:mypath];
                                          [cell updateUI];
                                      } else {
                                          NSLog(@"FB error %@", error);
于 2013-05-16T11:29:47.813 回答