I would want to know that how Instagram application listing/showing feed page?

Here is a screenshot: (I found it via Google and resized via tinypic.com. Here is the original file: http://www.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/screenshotsjvc.jpg)

instagram screenshots

I am talking about 1st and 2nd screens.

As you know, when you go your feed (2nd screen) you can slide down and view other shares.

Every share has these:

  • Owner picture and username, shared time, a photo and a few things.

How to wrap all these datas in one control/layout in order to multiply?

Which control(s) (LinearLayout, Fragment, TableLayout and its TableRow(s)) are relevant for this kind of application?

I am not an expert Android application developer, that's why I want to know. I have confusion about that.

Thanks in advance.


1 回答 1


根据我的理解,屏幕 1 和屏幕 2 可能是不同的片段(在此处查看片段)。第一个片段包含GridView(或一些类似的控件),第二个片段包含ListView


于 2013-05-16T02:33:42.517 回答