- 在 cordova-android bin 中使用 ./create 创建了 cordova 项目
- 通过cordova- plugman 添加 PushPlugin
- 将 cordova-2.7.0.jar 添加到 /libs 目录
Cordova 在 PushPlugin.java 中抱怨“cordova 无法解决”......以及其他几个错误......
(PushPlugin.java) Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
(PushPlugin.java) Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
(PushPlugin.java) cordova cannot be resolved
(PushPlugin.java) Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
(PushPlugin.java) Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
(PushPlugin.java) ctx cannot be resolved or is not a field
(PushPlugin.java) ctx cannot be resolved
(PushPlugin.java) ctx cannot be resolved
(PushPlugin.java) ctx cannot be resolved or is not a field
(PushPlugin.java) Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
(PushPlugin.java) The method execute(String, JSONArray, String) of type PushPlugin must override or implement a supertype method
我已通过 Project >> Properties >> JAVA Build Path >> Add Jar Files 将 cordova-2.7.0 项目添加到类路径中