我需要在我的 Raven 数据库中存储对实体的任意引用。有时实体是聚合根(参见下面的事件),有时它是值实体(参见下面的会话)。我目前正计划将引用存储为 Lucene 查询(或类似 Lucene 的语法)。有没有人做过这样的事情?我走在一条艰难的道路上吗?


  • 价值实体不太可能提供标识符,我可以期望可靠地引用价值实体吗?
  • 单个实体应该不知道(与)任意关系基础设施,从复杂对象图中推断查询的最佳方法是什么?
  • 将关系限制为仅聚合根(并防止对值实体的引用)会简化问题,但这需要我重新构建我的事件/会话文档。我希望这两个系统保持分离(对一个系统的担忧不应影响另一个。)


Events Collection
  Id: “30f6...54a7”,
  Title: “Annual Meeting”
  Sessions: [
      Code: “COM001”, 
      Title: “Opening Ceremony” 
      Code: “TEC201”, 
      Title: “Intermediate Tech” 

People Collection
  Id: "45a8...f209",
  Name: "Chad"

Arbitrary Relationships Collection
  Id: “b613...8ebb”,
  SubjectEntityQuery: "People.Id:45a8...f209",
  TargetEntityQuery: “Events.Id:30f6...54a7.Sessions,Code:COM001”,
  Action: "Attended Session",
  Story: "Chad attended the Opening Ceremony session"




1 回答 1


This is screaming relational design.

The easiest way to do this is make the Relationship an object and its Subject and Target fields an array of strings holding IDs of the actual documents it references. This way you can take advantage of Includes to load them along with the relationship document. Eitherway, I don't see how storing a Lucene query syntax helps here.

There may be a better way to model this, but it really depends on your business model and on the thing you are trying to achieve.

Also, you might want to get rid of GUID IDs, just use Raven's conventions.

于 2013-05-16T00:45:20.460 回答