Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
rows: the memory height,
cols: the width,
type: one of the OpenCV data types (e.g. CV_8UC3),
data: pointer to your data,
step: (optional) stride of your data
编辑:只是为了让事情更具体,这里有一个从一些用户分配的数据制作 Mat 的例子
int main()
//allocate and initialize your user-allocated memory
const int nrows = 10;
const int ncols = 10;
double data[nrows][ncols];
int vals = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
data[i][j] = vals++;
//make the Mat from the data (with default stride)
cv::Mat cv_data(nrows, ncols, CV_64FC1, data);
//print the Mat to see for yourself
std::cout << cv_data << std::endl;
您可以通过 OpenCV VideoWriter 类将 Mat 保存到视频文件中。您只需要创建一个 VideoWriter,打开一个视频文件,然后写入您的帧(作为 Mat)。您可以在此处查看使用VideoWriter的示例
下面是一个使用 VideoWriter 类的简短示例:
//fill-in a name for your video
const std::string filename = "...";
const double FPS = 30;
VideoWriter outputVideo;
//opens the output video file using an MPEG-1 codec, 30 frames per second, of size height x width and in color
outputVideo.open(filename, CV_FOURCC('P','I','M,'1'), FPS, Size(height, width));
Mat frame;
//do things with the frame
// ...
//writes the frame out to the video file
VideoWriter 的棘手部分是文件的打开,因为您有很多选择。您可以在此处查看不同编解码器的名称