您的路由现在如何工作?如果您还没有使用它,也许像这个答案这样的东西会起作用。也许这有一些变化,URL 的各个部分以不同的顺序排列,以满足您的需求。例如,控制器不一定要在路由中排在第一位(或者根本不需要,在这种情况下总是使用相同的控制器名称)。使用语言代码作为键,制作某种地图,以每种不同的语言为您提供“新闻”一词。
// populate this map somewhere - language code to word for "news" (and any other name of the controllers that you have)
var newsControllerMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
newsControllerMap["en"] = "news"; // etc.
// ...
// inside of the RouteConfig class (MVC 4) or RegisterRoutes() method in Global.asax.cs (MVC 3)
// just making an assumption that whatever class/entity you use ("LanguageAndCountry" in this case) also has a country code to make this easier. Obviously this would be refactored to have better naming/functionality to make sense and meet your needs.
LanguageAndCountryRepository langRepo = new LanguageAndCountryRepository();
var languagesandCountries = langRepo.GetAllLanguagesWithCountries();
foreach (LanguageAndCountry langAndCountry in languagesandCountries)
"LocalizationNews_" + langAndCountry.LanguageAbbreviation,
langAndCountry.LanguageAbbreviation + "/" + langAndCountry.CountryCode + "/" + newsControllerMap[langAndCountry.LanguageAbbreviation],
new { lang = language.LanguageAbbreviation, country = langAndCountry.CountryCode, controller = "News", action = "Index"});
// map more routes to each controller you have, each controller having a corresponding map to the name of the controller in any given language