Currently i have magento setup using multi sites (store views which go to other sites). I have around 7 stores setup in this way all running of a single backend and database. Over time its become very bulky, for instance my database weighs in at over 1GB and indexing is now a very lengthy process. So for obvious reasons i am now splitting these up into there own magento backend / database.

I have managed to do exactly that by duplicating my magento install and deleting the unecessary store views leaving the 1 store i want to keep. The problem of course is magento does not delete the database entries for these deleted stores so i still have a very bulky database with unecessary data.

So my question - How can i delete this left over data in my database ? I assume magento keeps some sort of id's to link the data to the store view so perhaps an sql query exists that i can run.


1 回答 1


如果您的数据库变得庞大,这就是您要将 Magento 从 Multistore 拆分为单个商店的唯一原因,我建议您重新考虑。

您似乎没有按照 Magento 的要求设置您的 cron。这导致某些表(日志表)没有被定期清理。您还需要配置日志清理频率。


另外:可以使用系统 > 配置 > 高级 > 系统 > 日志清理。

或在数据库级别:TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export;截断 dataflow_batch_import;TRUNCATE log_customer;截断日志引用;截断日志摘要;TRUNCATE log_summary_type;截断日志 URL;截断 log_url_info;截断日志访问者;截断 log_visitor_info;TRUNCATE log_visitor_online;截断report_viewed_product_index;截断report_compared_product_index;截断报告事件;截断索引事件;

于 2013-05-16T04:38:33.483 回答