I'm trying to find a library that creates UML Component Diagram using a config file (XML, Lua, whatever... )
My objective is reach something like this:
UML Component Diagram from Visual Studio
I already found PlantUML, but i can't represent Composite Components on it. Does someone have another project ?
I'm trying to find something like Graphviz, and I could the code below. You can try the code using online Graphviz
graph ER {
SuperComponent [shape=component]
node SuperComponent {
comp1 [shape=component]
facet1 [shape=circle, height=0.12,width=0.12, label=""]
facet2 [shape=circle, height=0.12,width=0.12, label=""]
comp1 -- facet1 [label="My Facet1" fontsize=6];
comp1 -- facet2 [label="My Facet2" fontsize=6];