我正在使用 Ivan Bratko 的书:“人工智能编程”在 Prolog 中研究 DCG 语法,我发现一些问题来理解 Prolog 如何自动将 DCG 语法转换为一组 Prolog 规则。
例如,我有以下 DCG 语法:
move --> step.
move --> step, move.
step --> [up].
step --> [down].
moove是可能的 moove 列表,而step是可以向上或向下的单个移动
所以这个语法可以生成如下列表的短语:[up, down, down, up, down] 或 like: [up]
然后他展示了 Prolog 如何自动将之前的 DCG 语法转换成一套标准的 Prolog 规则(我之所以把它重命名为 move2 和 step2 只是因为我把这段代码放在了之前的 DCG 语法的同一个文件中):
/* move2 it is TRUE if the difference from the lists List and Rest is an
acceptable move.
/* BASE CASE: A moves list can be a single move (a step that can be "up" or "down")
It is TRUE that the difference from the lists List and Rest is an acceptable move
if it is TRUE that the head of the list is an acceptable move
move2(List, Rest) :- step2(List, Rest).
/* GENERAL CASE: A moves list can be a single move followed by a list of moves.
The difference of List1 and Rest is a valid move if it is TRUE that:
the difference between List1 and List 2 is a step
the difference between List2 and Rest is a move
move2(List1, Rest) :- step2(List1, List2),
move2(List2, Rest).
/* step predicate extract a single step ("up" or "down") from a list
step2([up|Rest], Rest).
step2([down|Rest], Rest).