[ActiveRecord, JoinedBase]
abstract BaseClass
public x;
public y;
[ActiveRecord, JoinedBase]
ClassA : BaseClass { }
[ActiveRecord, JoinedBase]
ClassB : BaseClass { }
abstract GraphicBaseClass : BaseClass
public height;
public width;
[ActiveRecord, JoinedBase]
ClassC : GraphicBaseClass { }
[ActiveRecord, JoinedBase]
ClassD : GraphicBaseClass { }
[ActiveRecord, JoinedBase]
ClassE : GraphicBaseClass { }
所以文字解释...我们有一个标准的基类“BaseClass”,它实现了许多属性。然后我们有几个类“ClassA”和“ClassB”,它们是基础的特定类型。然后,我们使用一个中间基类“GraphicBaseClass”,它添加了高度和宽度属性,其余 3 个类继承自这些属性。这会产生单个 BaseClass 公用表,以及每个具体类的 5 个特定表。
我有一个查询,大多数情况下都适用于基本属性。在某些情况下,我想查询高度和宽度。由于 GraphicBaseClass 不是一个 activerecord 类,我不能将其用作查询的基础。目前我正在使用 QueryOver 语法,但我找不到一种方法来查询具有高度和宽度属性的三个 GraphicBaseClass 派生实体。
QueryOver<BaseClass, BaseClass> query = QueryOver.Of<BaseClass>()
.Where(bc => bc.x == something)
if (actualTypes.All(x => x.IsSubclassOf(typeof (GraphicBaseClass))))
// Filter by dimensions
if (criteria.RestrictSize)
if (criteria.FilterByDimension)
query.DetachedCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Lt("Width", criteria.Width + 10));
query.DetachedCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Lt("Height", criteria.Height + 10));
这导致 sql 类似于:
SELECT TOP (4 /* @p0 */) this_.BaseClassId as BaseClass1_97_5_,
this_.Version as Version97_5_,
this_.BaseClassType as BaseClass2_97_5_,
this_1_.Width as Width99_5_,
this_1_.Height as Height99_5_,
this_2_.Width as Width100_5_,
this_2_.Height as Height100_5_,
this_3_.X as X101_5_,
this_4_.Width as Width102_5_,
this_4_.Height as Height102_5_,
this_5_.X as X103_5_,
FROM BaseClass this_
left outer join ClassC this_1_
on this_.BaseClassId = this_1_.ClassCId
left outer join ClassD this_2_
on this_.BaseClassId = this_2_.ClassDId
left outer join ClassA this_3_
on this_.BaseClassId = this_3_.ClassAId
left outer join ClassE this_4_
on this_.BaseClassId = this_4_.ClassEId
left outer join ClassB this_5_
on this_.BaseClassId = this_5_.ClassBId
WHERE and this_1_.Width between 0 /* @p8 */ and 'Height' /* @p9 */
因此,它仅将高度和宽度限制应用于 3 个必需类之一。
我在这里寻找任何答案,如果它可以在 HQL 或 Criteria API 或实现结果所需的任何东西中完成。