Short of extracting shipping and billing addresses into an Address model, how can I remove this validation duplication?
I only want to validate the billing address if it's not the same as the shipping address. How would I go about extracting it into a module? An example would be really helpful as I never know what to include in modules, or self
refers to.
validates :shipping_name, :shipping_address1, :shipping_street_number, :shipping_city, presence: true
validates :shipping_state, inclusion: { in: Address.states.values }
validates :shipping_post_code, length: { is: 5 }, numericality: { only_integer: true }
validates :billing_name, :billing_address1, :billing_street_number, :billing_city, presence: true, unless: -> { self.bill_to_shipping_address? }
validates :billing_state, inclusion: { in: Address.states.values }, unless: -> { self.bill_to_shipping_address? }
validates :billing_post_code, length: { is: 5 }, numericality: { only_integer: true }, unless: -> { self.bill_to_shipping_address? }